Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 14th


When we were on the carpet in class today, there was a guy who needed his shoes tied. He asked me if I could tie them for him. I said no at first..then I thought, it would be nice. So then I did it.

When we were lining up to go to the bus, there were girls who were trying to get into line and then I let them cut into line in front of me.

When I went to the candy box at home. I got 7 chocolate kisses. When I was sitting on the couch, I saw CJ was sad. Then I decided to give her a kiss. Then I ate the rest.

I was scared about today but I prayed with Daddy this morning and I guess I felt better.


  1. Kendall, you did a great job today being kind! Love you!

  2. Wow! I LOVE what you guys are doing & I'm so glad you're writing about it! I can't wait to read more...and I want to do it too:)
