Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 24


Today, we were out running around going to home remodeling stores our(Nate and I) most favorite thing to do lately and we stopped at a new place for lunch. We were about to leave and I needed to use the restroom before we left. I heard someone talking really loud and I didn't know if there was an argument or what was up. My girls were waiting outside for me and they were looking at the register. CJ said, "he is so cute" and I looked over and there was an older man at the register who was smiling really big and talking really loud. He had some sort of Mental disability and was trying to order. He placed his order and then walked away to look around at something else. I heard a noise and turned around and he dropped a whole bunch of change all over the floor. I looked at my kids and they headed over to help pick it up for him and he was grateful to them. While they were doing that I went to the register and said I'd like to pay for his lunch, please. He said, are you sure? But of I was able to sneak it in! As we were leaving I heard the guy at the register say, It's been all taken care of buddy and the older man who!?! And that was the last thing I heard as I ran out the door and got into the car. You never know who you are going to meet during the day...God did and I was beyond happy to be able to buy that gentleman lunch today...


  1. I love reading about your families adventures and random acts of kindness. I've been telling Nana about them when we go visit her and she smiles and laughs. Just wanted you to know your kindness is as far reaching as So Cal.

    Love you guys, Aunt Debbie

  2. I told people about your family, and your kindness goal at church yesterday. You have inspired me, and now a least 30 or more women. I have been moved by you. Hopefully I can have the same affect on someone else, as you have had on me. Love ya!
